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Gary A. Edwards Composer

Gary Edwards was born in Spokane, Washington and grew up in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Music.  He taught public school instrumental music and played in the Louisville Symphony.  His music has been performed in many countries. He has played rock to classical.  He has composed 15 music CDs and written nine musicals, one opera, three screenplays and composed over 879 pieces of music and songs in many styles.  He has produced one full-length movie and 64 TV broadcasts. He is a member of ASCAP and has received two ASCAP recognition grants. 

Gary A. Edwards 

(208) 699-0848 



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Orlando Sanchez

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Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 6/21/24 

Here's the latest news about Edwards Music Site. 

I just signed a contract to produce a video for the Post Falls Historical Society.  When it's done, I will donate it to them.

I joined the Nashville Songwriter's Association International. We meet monthly at various locations and time so email me directly. The next event is June 22, 2024 at 6412 E Trent Spokane Valley at 7 pm.

I sat in and sang a couple of songs at the Red Room Jam session in Spokane, which is held every Wednesday. They had a great group playing there as I sang Dock of The Bay and The Thrill Is Gone.

We go dancing almost every Wednesday at 7 pm at the Spokane Valley Eagle Club. They have mostly country and country rock band.

On the 2nd Thursday of the month go dancing at the Coeur d'Alene ID Eagle Lodge and the band is Dessert Rose with whom I played for over 15 years. They play almost any kind of music you can request.

I've been going to the Spokane Tribal Casino on Saturday nights at 8. pm. The music is usually free but last Saturday night Motley Crue was playing.

Keep living the life because life is love and music is love and nourishing to your lives.

Gary A. Edwards PhD


Edwards Music Site update 06/05/2024 

Sorry for the delay in posting.  I've been totally busy lately. In May I went to Charlotte NC and received an honorary PhD in Music Composition from Chun University.

On May 12th I flew to New York City and spent the whole day Monday May 13th at a reading of two new musicals co-written with book/lyricist Claude Solnik called A Train Through Time and Dillinger. M\any thinks to music director Steve Cornine for his piano accompaniment.

While in New York City I went to two off-Broadway shows and had a great time.

I've been trying to complete a movie called Mildred Bailey Tribute. We have 60 minutes of footage completed and I'm waiting for the tribe's agreement so I can pursue getting licences for 14 songs which are still under copyright and film another 30 minutes to finish this documentary.

I finished rewriting The Prodigy screenplay to change the Russian female character to a Czech female. Tony Alvarez is pitching this screenplay to Czech film producers.

I've got a lot of other irons in the fire so stay tuned for future updates.


Gary A. Edwards

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 1/22/24 

I made a New Year's Resolution to write one song a day for a musical called Dillinger co-written by Claude Solnik - Book and lyrics. I started on 1/1/2024 and today 1/22/2024 I finished my 22nd song right on Schedule.

Be sure to visit my website www.EdwardsMusicSite.com and join my free fan club for monthly updates and share the music, videos and books there.


Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog Update 1/14/2024 

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 1/14/24 

Dillinger Musical - Woodwind Quintet Concert – Emerge - Tony Alvarez – Las Vegas trip

Dillinger Musical – Claude Solnik sent me the script for a new musical about John Dillinger. In this version, John is not such a bad guy. He only shot back when someone shot at him. He did not take money from bank customers, just from the banks. Hoover wants more power including the right for his agents to carry guns and arrest criminals. I made a resolution to write one new song a day for the Dillinger musical and so far this year I’ve written 14 songs, right on schedule.

Woodwind Quintet Concert – I composed a 12 minute piece of music for the Coeur d’Alene Woodwind Quintet and a concert is tentatively scheduled for March 8th. They have also asked me to write a piece of music for their children’s choir so I am working on lyrics for a 12 minute long piece of music I composed called Raindrops for Woodwind Quiintet, piano and children’s choir.

Emerge – I am scheduled to perform my songs and sell my CDs at the Emerge Art Gallery in Coeur d’Alene on February 2nd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Come on down and check it out.

Tony Alvarez – I am mentoring Tony Alvarez  with the long-range goal of turning over Edwards Music Site when I can no longer compose or work. We had three mentoring session before Tony left for Czechoslovakia to work on a music project and we look forward to his returning soon to North Idaho. 

Las Vegas trip - We went to Las Vegas for two weeks for the holidays. While there I went to the church I go to there and learned the music minister Johhn Jones is playing piano for the Wayne Newton Show. Then, I went to the Dispensary Club on Tropicana and schmoozed with my friend the great jazz pianist Uli Geisendorfer. I also met two great singers, female Tosch and Ralph Butter field.  So, I went to the Bootlegger Bar for two nights in a row and heard their shows and networked with them. Then we went to the Wayne Newton Show. Wayne is 83 and a great entertainer. He connects with everyone in the room. After the show, Johhn Jones took us out for treats and a chat. He is interested in my three Christmas songs and hopefully will produce broadcast quality recordings for these potential hit songs.

Mistaken Move movie – In Las Vegas, I talked with writer/director Jimmy Cullors who said he hasn’t been able to get investors to finish the murder mystery movie he is shot in Las Vegas called Mistaken Move. I had composed 52 songs for the soundtrack which he said he was going to use.  

Mildred Bailey Music –Cecilia Curtis of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe is singing songs made famous by Mildred Bailey, also a member of the Coeur d'Alene Tribe . (I transcribed the music)

Remember to like and share this post, then go to www.EdwardsMusicSite.com and sign up as a fan to get my blog updates, movie, books and restaurant reviews and entertainment news.   


Gary A. Edwards  

www.EdwardsMusicSite.com edwardsgaryallen@gmail.com 


Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 12/02/23 

Gary welcomes Tony Alvarez on board – Tony called and said conductor Jan Pellant gave him my number and asked if I would teach him about the music business. Tony is a talented composer and we have had two productive sessions and it’s going very well.

College performance of my musical – I spoke with a college drama teacher yesterday and we agreed that their school would produce one of my original musicals in 2025 to 2026. I sent him a synopsis of the nine musicals I have composed so far, plus one I just started to write, and then we’ll meet and pick which one will be the one chosen.

Post Falls: River of Life Musical Revue – Kim Brown with the Post Falls Historical Society and I agreed that I will write and compose a musical revue about the history of Post Falls. We are still discussing the details.

Mildred Bailey Tribute – Kristin Kilmer proposed that she work on producing some of my musicals or shows. We decided to revive the Mildred Bailey Tribute and spread it out to other venues. Cecilia Curtis has agreed to participate again as the singer in this show.

NW CMA - I recently acted as a judge in the Pacific NW CMA show at the Bing Theater and voted for the Performance of Leah Justine because she actually put on a show and connected with the audience instead of just standing and singing at the mic with no eye contact.

Post Falls: River of Life  New Woodwind Quintet – I went to a performance of the Coeur d’Alene Woodwind Quintet at a private home in Post Falls and at the end the clarinetist Jim Sullivan agreed that I would compose a 12 minute woodwind quintet. I decide to use this quintet as the basis for my Post Falls: River of life music revue so that is the name of my woodwind quintet which is a suite with 12 movements depicting musically the story of Post Falls. If you want to hear it, send me an email.

Merry Christmas everyone,

Gary A. Edwards



Gary Edwards Entertainment Update 08/14/2023 

A Train Through Time - Gary completed composing the music for this new musical created by Claude Solnik who wrote the book and lyrics. Hopefully it will be scheduled soon for a premiere in New York City, adding to the two musicals already produced, Stealing Mona Lisa on 12/22/22 and A Stitch In Time on 06/19/23. This new musical concerns passengers on a train traveling through time.

Flashback - Gary was hired yesterday to play bass with a classic rock band and had a great time playing great rock music with them on 08/13/23 at the New York Dueling Piano bar in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We will also be playing there next Friday 08/18/23 from 8 pm to midnight. Come down and enjoy the party.

Dorothy Hebert's Memoir - We received the first proof for this book which I helped edit and format for uploading to Amazon. It is entitled My Untold Surprising Life. It is the story of how an elderly person who started life early as an orphan overcame her obstacles and found love and happiness and a fulfilling life. It will be available on Amazon shortly.

The Flying Pig Farm Project - Kimberly Bennet wrote a book featuring quirky animals which included six songs, which Gary set to music. Cece Curtis from The Coeur d'Alene Reservation sang the songs and Kimberly also recorded two rap versions, which Dan Lewis Sound Engineer in Spokane mixed. We are currently mixing the recordings so keep an eye out for this Extended Play Music CD to be released soon.

Otherwise we are having summer fun going to festivals and concerts and meeting new friends all the time.

Music is love. Keep the love going.

Gary A. Edwards

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog Update 7/11/2023 

Hello. Here’s the latest news about my music activities.


A Stitch In Time completes three month run in New York City. The word from reviewers and cast and crew is that everyone loved this show and the music that I composed for lyrics provided by Co-writer Claude Solnik. I didn’t go to New York for the show because it was too expensive. If you would like to partner with our team for productions let me know. You would have a lot of fun behind the scenes hanging out with me, Claude and the cast, and we might even make a profit someday.


A Train Through Time – I am half way finished composing the music for a new musical comedy co-written by Claude Solnik. This is our fourth joint project. The story is about travelers on a train through time who become aware that there are stops at different times but they can’t get off the train until they arrive at the stop where they are meant to be.


The Flying Pig Farm music project – Kimberly Bennett wrote a book where the characters are animals and a few people. The wolf is a Veterinarian and is suffering a crisis because one of her patients is a chicken who burnt her leg, and the smell makes the wolf doctor want to eat the chicken, which would be a violation of her Hippocratic Oath. So, this coming Friday Kimberly and I are meeting with Cece Curtis of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe who will be singing the six songs in this project at Dan Lewis’ recording site where he and I have produced many music CD’s together.


Dorothy Hebert Memoir project – I have finished editing and proofreading Dorothy’s (age 93) memoir and now we are getting the photos ready to publish this work on Amazon. Don’t miss this exciting and interesting story of an orphan who successfully overcame the many challenges she was born with and became a model at age 65.


Emerge Art Gallery Block Party – I will be selling my CD’s and other local artist’s works at a block party at the Emerge Art Gallery Thursday July 13th and Friday July 14th in the evening. The gallery has many opportunities for emerging artists to come out of their cocoons and display their works and is located on the corner of 2nd and Sherman Avenue in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. There will be entertainment, etc.


Happy Summer everyone.


Gary A. Edwards

Gary A Edwards Entertainment Blog May 21, 2023 

A Stitch In Time – Songwriter’s List

Here is some information about our new musical comedy called A Stitch in Time, set for premier run at the Theater for the New City at 155 1st Avenue from June 19, 2023 to July 9, 2023. The following is a list of songs in the show that were written originally by Edwards and the indicated co-songwriters, and then the lyrics were adapted by Claude Solnik for this show on June 19th, 2023:

Song 02 Clothes Make the Woman - Adapted from The Queen of Baton Rouge Copyright © 1995 by Gary A. Edwards and Howard Wand.  © 2018 Lyrics by Claude Solnik. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Song 03 The Devil to Pay - Adapted from The Devil to Pay Copyright (c) 1998 by Stephen Patrick Montgomery lyrics and Gary A. Edwards, © 2018 new lyrics by Claude Solnik. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Song 05 Who am I - © 1975 by Gary A. Edwards. (c)  2018 new lyrics by Claude Solnik. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Song 06 One Track Mind - Adapted from One-Track Mind Copyright © 1997 by Stephen Patrick Montgomery and Gary A. Edwards. © 2018 Updated lyrics by Claude Solnik. Used by permission.

Song 13 The New Normal - Adapted from The New America Copyright © 1995 by Gary A. Edwards and Howard Wand.  © 2018 Lyrics by Claude Solnik. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Song 15 Beginning Again - Adapted from Beginning Again Copyright © 2000 by Gary A. Edwards and Linda Ericson.  All rights reserved. Updated lyrics Copyright © 2000 by Claude Solnik. Edwards Music Site dot com (ASCAP) 4580 E. Weatherby Post Falls ID 83854 (208) 699-0848 edwardsgaryallen@gmail.com


Song 17 The other side of Time – Adapted from The Other Side of Time.  Copyright © 1995 by Gary A. Edwards and Howard Wand.  © 2018 Lyrics by Claude Solnik. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Song 18 Will you meet me one time again? - Adapted from Moonlight On The Coeur d’Alene Copyright © 2000 by Gary A. Edwards and Douglas Reed.  © 20018 updated lyrics by Claude Solnik . 4580 E. Weatherby Ave. Post Falls  ID 83854 (208) 699-0848 www.EdwardsMusicSite.com edwardsgaryallen@gmail.com Douglas Reed (Dec.) - 12955 W. Hwy. 53 Rathdrum ID 83858 (208) 687-5023 or 687-4353

Song 21 Time to be alone - Adapted from Time to Be Alone Copyright © 1998 by Betsy Katz and Gary A. Edwards. Updated lyrics © 2018 by Claude Solnik. Edwards Music Site dot com (ASCAP) 4580 E. Weatherby Ave. Post Falls ID 83854 (208) 699-0848 gedward@roadrunner.com used by permission.

Enjoy the show.

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 4/4/2023 

Solnik and Edwards to present A Stitch In Time, their second show in New York City - Gary A. Edwards and Claude Solnik annoounce that following the success of their Stealing Mona Lisa show in December 2022 in NYC, they will be presenting a full-length musical theater show entitled A Stitch In Time at the Theater for thew New City at 155 1st Ave. in the East Village. The dates run from 6/19/2023 through 6/9/2023 on selected evenings. This show is an amusiing contemporary version of the Emperor Has No Clothes story. Solnik wrote the book and lyrics and Gary composed the music.

Anaísa Salazar commits to recording some of Gary's Spanish music. Anaísa us a wonderful singer who lives in Cuba and is very popular there. She says she loves Garys music. She recently committed to rehearsing and recording some of Gary's original Spanish songs including his very difficult classical style piece called The Gypsy Tango.

Gary partners with Kimberly Bennet to compose five quirky songs. Yes, there is a market for quirky songs and this duo is working to set music to five songs written by Kimberly, recently finishing "Aaaooo, I'm a Wolf.

Gary signs another non-exclusive agreement. Through a tip-sheet website called Broadjam.com Gary signed an agreement with Ear Reverend Music for that company to market Gary's classical piece called A Prayer for Peace, conducted and written by Gary and performed by the Coeur d'Alene Symphony. In the last two years Gary has signed 267 agreements through contacts with people looking for original music through Broadjam.com

Have a good month.

Gary A. Edwards

Gary A. Edwards Entertainment Blog 3/5/2023 

When I was in New York City in December, I talked with the director of an opera production company and he said my Qualchan and Whistalks Opera was just what they were looking for and they would produce it in 2023 or 2024.  Last month I sent him a sample score and parts for Song/Scene 01.

I talked with a singer from Cuba named Anaissa who said she likes the opera and was going to start rehearsing to record some of the songs.
I talked with Paula Newberry at the Rainbow Opera Company in Memphis TN who said they were still interested in premiering Qualchan and Whistalks this year 2023 but the main difficulty is getting financing. I did see where Paula sang in Carnegie Hall recently.
I communicated with the Harlem Opera Company who mainly asked if I had any financing.
So, that's the latest news re Qualchan. In other news, my co writer of musical theater says they are going to produce a second show that I composed with him called A Stitch in Time in NYC around June or July. I probably won't be coming to that premiere.
I started a new Tik Tok account called YourGrandpaGary and uploaded some funny videos that Adam Foote helped produce. Adam has 3.6 million followers so I'm hoping to emulate his success.
I will be appearing on the Ali and Callie Podcast in March so do a search and join me for a humorous account about the trouble I had getting home from the Premiere of Stealing Mona Lisa on 12/24/2022. It took me six days and I had to take a Greyhound Bus to Orland, Florida where I couch surfed with my friend and Wataino CD Co-writer Orlando Sanchez.